The Bitcoin Man Slaying The Giant Bear

The BitcoinMan slays the Colossal Giant Crypto Bear In my latest illustration, I illustrate The Bitcoin Man slaying a colossal bear, signifying the bearish crypto market. It is drawn in Chinese wuxia styl...

Blockchain Powers Up the Energy Sector

Following up from the illustration "The Superhero Within" produced in 2015, the full Superhero costume is now revealed in this  sketch above. And this time, as a "Blockchain Superhero". -------------------...

Blockchain is in Fashion

In my latest illustration, I sketch my persona 'The Bitcoin Man' walking down a fashion runway on the streets of presumably Tokyo city. ---------------------------------------------------------- Blockchai...

Ethereum: More than a Digital Currency

In my latest illustration, I sketch a fantasy+real world style, featuring myself atop one of the super-trees at Gardens By The Bay, with Marina Bay Sands in the background. --------------------------------...

My Journey As An Author

“Keep short and interesting, without leaving anything important out” That was exactly what my strategist told me when I asked what should I answer when people ask me ‘how do you do it?’ I’ve noticed that I’...