Writing Life

I Am What I See

Make characters real using details of dress, gait (the way they walk), voice, personality and more. Giving your characters elements that the average person can’t relate to also creates interest. A reflectio...

Dedication to Distraction

The editing, rewrites, and organization is never ending. With all the chaos, lies a subtle charm of elegance. There’s something so profound about order in the middle of chaos. Where does it start and where ...

Don’t Overlook Everyday Interactions

Much of our human mental life looks to involve a seamless unfolding of perception, action and experience: a golden braid in which each element intertwines intimately with the rest. I'm not exactly parachutin...

Insatiable Thirst

Have you ever wondered why writing and wine seem to go so well together...? Well I have. To me, creative juices don't stop flowing because there’s nothing left. It’s just time to take a deep breath, enjoy a ...

Pushing Boundaries

Writing is a form of art. And like all forms of art, there are horizons and boundaries. Whether it is called innovative or speculative fiction or experimental fiction, there is a certain extent of risk takin...

Resistances And Dependancies

The more often a specific behavior is repeated, the more it will form an automated behavior. And, the more time that passes, the often a behavior is trained the harder it gets to change it later. This is of c...

Rethinking Symbolism

A symbol stands for an idea. A statue is a symbolic interpretation of an idea. A single piece can be more predominant than the rest. While some cultures have their own sculpture myths, some disregard sculptu...

Live Life Like A Roller Coaster Ride

When you feel overwhelmed by apparently unmanageable circumstances, remind yourself that, you can only see a small glimpse of the big picture of your life. You don’t know what’s around the corner, and you cer...