My Work-In-Progress digital illustration of Satoshi Nakamoto - a mysterious masked Japanese warrior (Samurai).
If you look in detail, on his chestplate has the initials of S.N., which stands for Satoshi Na...
Recently for Crypto Chain University, I founded a new initiative earlier this week on 20th March 2010, Saturday. Naming it in French, “Ordre des Arts et des Technologies”, when translated to English means “Or...
When I first heard about Blockchain and Bitcoin late 2009, I was intrigued by this new technology and started researching and reading up about it.
There were not many resources available for the public, and I ...
My initial sketch of humans in their Cryosleep, Cryonics pods/capsules.
Sometimes, we marvel at the futuristic technologies that get showcased on the big scr...
In my illustration of Transhumanism, I sketched a half-human half-robot being, which could also possibly be a full robot masked as a human, or a human, enhanced with robotics. The art concept is inspired by...
Referencing this portrait of Princess Diana and of her wearing this intricately designed gown, I digitally produced this digital illustration sketch.
With the viral outbreak of H1N1 Virus (a.k.a. Swine Flu), I drew a science laboratory, with a scientist working on cloning technology.
A massive viral outbr...
I depict the all famous feat by God, during the time of Moses in the Book of Exodus, in my latest illustration entitled "Book of Exodus: Israelites Crossing the Red Sea".