Herbert R. Sim was at the Asian premiere of Future/Perfect featuring Wong Li-Lin, produced by multi-talented international artiste, Elizabeth Lazan, in collaboration with the enigmatic creator- director, Tara...
Herbert R. Sim was seen at Nation Pride 2013 event celebrating National Day, held at Parco Next Next, Singapore alongside with Chua Enlai.
(Photo: WardrobeTrendsFashion)
(L-R) Evelyn Kuek, Herbert Rafael, Vanessa Emily
Herbert R. Sim was at the Singapore Blog Awards 2013 event held at at Shanghai Dolly, Singapore. The event organized by Singapore Press Holding’s Omy.sg, hono...
Peter Pilotto with Herbert Rafael
Herbert R. Sim was backstage with Austrian-Italian fashion designer Peter Pilotto at the Audi Fashion Festival 2013 event in Singapore.
(Photos: WardrobeTrendsFashion)
It was an honor to meet the sixth President of Singapore, S. R. Nathan, at Singapore Cancer Society 2012 charity event.
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